
The treasures of the Ardèche region

Go out and discover the must-see tourist sites of the Ardèche region during your stay at the La Plage Fleurie campsite

And what if you benefit of your stay at La Plage Fleurie campsite to explore the Ardèche?
The Vivarais with its gorges, splendid old villages made from the well-known old stones (the real French look), its caves and cavities; the one even better known than the other. The Ardèche offers to the curious an exceptional natural and historical heritage. A heritage that makes our beautiful region one of the most popular destinations for nature lovers!

La caverne du Pont d

In the Ardèche region, there is no time to get bored! Our beautiful region is full of remarkable tourist sites, the most famous are presented below. From the villages of Balazuc, Labeaume, Ruoms and Vogüé to the Aven d’Orgnac cave, via the magnificent Gorges de l’Ardèche (Ardèche gorges), which you absolutely must go down by canoe to discover the Pont d’Arc (a natural bridge formation), the Ardèche will astound you with its beauty…

The Gorges de l’Ardèche

A real gem and tourist site No. 1 in the department, the Gorges de l'Ardèche form a canyon of about thirty kilometers between Vallon Pont d'Arc, a few hundred meters from the campsite La Plage Fleurie, and Saint Martin d' Ardeche.

Les Gorges de l

Optionally, during your stay, you can discover the Ardeche Gorges by canoe, from La Plage Fleurie, or even by car. A panoramic road has been built through the scrubland. On this scenic drive, there are many belvederes to offer  spectacular points of view on the canyon and the river which flows beneath. They allow you to admire some of the most emblematic sites of the Gorges de l’Ardèche, like the Balcon des Templiers, the Cirque de la Madeleine, the Remparts du Garn, etc.


The Number 1 tourist site of the département

It is estimated that 1.2 million visitors take the tourist Route des Gorges each year, whilst nearly 100,000 people go down the river by canoe or kayak. This is a descent which can be undertaken in one day, or two days for those who wish to bivouac on the banks of the river.

Les Gorges de l
Camping La Plage Fleurie, escalade, spéléologie, accrobranche

Finally, the Gorges de l’Ardèche is a fabulous field of discovery for the practice of climbing, caving, etc.

The Pont d'Arc

It is THE must-see site of the Ardèche region. Located at Vallon Pont d’Arc, a few kilometres from La Plage Fleurie campsite, the Pont d’Arc is a genuine masterpiece of nature. It is a natural arch (formed by river erosion) overlooking the Ardèche. A grandiose natural arch, 54 meters high, 60 meters wide, at least 500,000 years old. The water dug, tirelessly in the limestone, until gradually infiltrate and create this gigantic arch. The arch is admired by thousands of curious each year.

The must-see site!

Whether they discover it from the belvederes along the Route des Gorges, from the pebble beaches located up-, and downstream, or even from a canoe drifting down the river, everyone can only rave about the beauty of the Pont d’Arc.

Le Pont d
Le Pont d

The gateway to the magnificent Gorges de l’Ardèche, the Pont d’Arc has been classified as a “Site Naturel Classé” (French natural site), to ensure that it is preserved, since 1982. Its 60-meter width makes the Pont d’Arc one of the most impressive natural arches in the world. The water which flows below, clear and limpid, entices you to swim. At the same time its beaches turn out to be the ideal spots to indulge in idleness, and watch the canoeists and other kayakers descending the water course, with their head and the eyes pointing to the sky….

The Cave Chauvet 2

Opened in 2015, the Cave Chauvet 2 is a replica which is as accurate as possible of the Cave Chauvet, one of the most beautiful decorated caves in the world.
Located in Vallon Pont d’Arc, less than ten kilometres from La Plage Fleurie campsite, this site quickly became one of the most popular tourist sites of the department.

The largest cave replica in the world!

The walls of the Grotte Chauvet 2 are covered by nearly a thousand paintings and engravings, dating by the carbon 14 methods to estimate two phases of occupation; between 33 and 29,000 BCE, during the Aurignacian Age, and between 27 and 24,500 BCE, during the Gravettian Age.

La Caverne du Pont d
La Caverne du Pont d

To avoid damaging these jewels of prehistoric art, the Grotte Chauvet will never be open to the general public, which is why it was decided to build a replica: the Grotte Chauvet 2.

La Caverne du Pont d

The visit to this ‘caverne’ is done by group, accompanied by a guide who explains in details the progress of the works. More than a dozen stops are needed as the painting are numerous and the guided tour lasts around 1 hour.

On the site of the Grotte Chauvet 2, an open access museum allows you to learn more about the life of the painters and designers of the Grotte Chauvet. This is the gallery of the Aurignacian, an additional discovery center before immersion in the cave.


Aubenas, the capital of the Ardèche region is around 30 km from La Plage Fleurie campsite. Dominating the Ardèche river valley from its rocky outcrop, this town has a historical and cultural heritage of major importance.

A castle holding the “Monument Historique” (historic monument) classification since 1943

For example its château (castle), having the classification Monument Historique (historic monument) since 1943, is considered as one of the most beautiful pieces of architecture in the department. Thus, upon visiting the château, you will be able to discover its superb mullioned windows, spiral staircases, its towers and even its glazed tiled roof…

Aubenas, Château du XIIème siècle
Aubenas, , le Dôme Saint Benoît

The other jewel of Aubenas, the Dôme Saint Benoît, a spectacular church, is also classified as a historic monument. You can admire the collections of religious objets d’art, as well as a mausoleum. There are also various churches in the town which merit the detour to Aubenas. Amongst the latter, there is the Eglise Saint Laurent and the Chapelle des Cordeliers.

Aubenas, , ruelles de la cité médiévale

During your stay at La Plage Fleurie, it’s the historic heart of Aubenas that is to be discovered by foot, with its fountains and ancient facades!

It must be emphasised that the Ardèche’s administrative commune has one of the most colourful markets of the département. This takes place every Saturday morning and offers the curious the chance to discover and sample delicious local products, such as the famous Ardèche chestnut purée! In summer, a night-time market also takes place every Wednesday evening, whilst an organic market is open every Wednesday afternoon throughout the year…


It is one of the most beautiful villages of the département and even France. Located around 20 km from La Plage Fleurie campsite. Perched atop a cliff which dominates the Ardèche. Each year this village has numerous tourists pacing its medieval alleyways and admiring its multitude of treasures.

A medieval village in the heart of the Ardèche

Occupied since the Neanderthal period, the site upon which the village of Balazuc is established witnessed first the settlement of the Celts, and then the Romans. The village is fortified and has a square dungeon of the 11th century. The Roman church was also granted a defensive role and was protected by a tower.

Balazuc, village médiévale, église romaine perchée au sommet d
Balazuc, village médiévale, donjon carré du XIème siècle

Nothing like a passage through its shady streets and refreshing vaults to escape the heat of summer. Lively and festive, the village of Balazuc also houses a multitude of artists and self-employed craftsmen. During your walk, you can admire pieces of pottery, jewellery, local products and other items.

The Aven d'Orgnac cave

Listed as a “Grand Site de France” (sustained without impacting the local environment), the Aven d’Orgnac cave is around 20 km from La Plage Fleurie campsite. This incorporates an impressive cave, as well as a museum. The Cité de la Préhistoire (prehistoric museum), is laid out at the heart of a dense forest of green oaks.


Beneath this forest, the Aven d’Orgnac reveals its treasures to visitors. With rooms of gigantic proportions, these are exquisite underground landscapes where fine crystal formations become entangled with the abundance of concretions. This descent into the abyss of the earth allows you to give your eyes a living free rein to your imagination.

An exceptional prehistoric site!

To finish the visit, which takes place at a depth of 121 meters, a sound and light show emphasizes the magnificence of this cave. Thanks to the presence of a elevator, you can go back up to the surface, effortlessly!


On the surface, where the first Europeans have left traces of their passage, a City of Prehistory allows today’s curious to face their ancestors of yesterday. During a visit which is, above all, modern and fun, you will be able to attend various demonstrations. These include flint-making, fire-lighting, shooting spears, and others. Games tables and stalls offer a new look at the prehistoric world while the remains on display, all from archaeological excavations in the Ardèche and northern Gard, allow to appreciate the intense prehistoric activity that may have known the region.


The village of Labeaume is 12 km from La Plage Fleurie campsite. The route, which enables you to access it from Vallon Pont d’Arc, runs close to the beautiful gorges of the Baume. This river winds through a limestone plateau to end into the Ardèche river.

A character village

By the river, Labeaume is a delightful village surrounded by cliffs, scattered with a multitude of rock-carved dwellings. At the heart of the village, the streets form a real labyrinth in which tourists are enticed to lose themselves to  appreciate the facades of houses build by pebble stones, directly removed from the bottom of the river.

Labeaume - Village de caractère ADT07
Labeaume - ©A.Renaud-Goud ADT07

Perched on a rock, a castle overlooks Labeaume while below, in the village you can see the remains of the old castle, a mill and hanging gardens. These are terraces designed for cultivation in the vertical parts of a limestone promontory overlooking the gorge of La Baume.

The Mont Gerbier de Jonc

Culminating at 1,551 meters above sea level, Mount Gerbier de Jonc is one of the jewels of the Ardèche. Straddling the territory of the communes of Saint Martial and Sainte Eulalie, this volcano is known to all French to house the source of the Loire.

But do you should know that, in fact, at the foot of Mont Gerbier de Jonc there is not simply a single source of the Loire river, but indeed three. These 3 join forming a very small trickle of water, then a stream. This then becomes one of the largest rivers in France…

A path, which is specifically laid out, enables you to access the summit of Mont Gerbier de Jonc, an ascent of 150 metres from the car park, which is easy to complete provided you have the right footwear.

A summit which reaches its highest point at 1,551 metres

A landscaped path provides access to the summit of Mount Gerbier de Jonc, a climb of 150 meters high from the car park that is easy to do provided you are well-equiped.

A climb all the more enjoyable as the view is remarkable. In the foreground, the beautiful seasons (spring and summer) cover the meadows with flowers and beautiful colors. In the background, is the Chaine des Sucs (the Ardèche volcanoes) and the entire Ardèche plateau, which is revealed before your very eyes. Going further still, when visibility allows it, the view across the Alps mountain range from Mont Blanc up to the Massif des Ecrins does not leave visitors impervious to its charms…

Le Mont Gerbier de Jonc - ©ADT07 - A.Renaud-Goud
Le Mont Gerbier de Jonc

Amongst the other volcanoes to discover around Mont Gerbier de Jonc, we might mention the famous Mont Mézenc, with a height of 1,753 meters, and also the mountains the Suc de Sara, the Suc de Montfol, and the Coux…


The magnificent village of Ruoms is located barely ten minutes from La Plage Fleurie campsite (7 km). Like Vogüé, Labeaume or even Balazuc, Ruoms is one of the most beautiful villages of the Ardèche département.

Established at the end of the 10th century, this medieval village surrounded by ramparts, which were built at the time of the Hundred Years’ War, is also protected by seven round towers. Within the walls, the curious and other lovers of old buildings can stroll…

One of the most beautiful villages in the Ardèche region

At the entrance to the town is also the Néovinum, a real temple dedicated to the world of Ardèche wines. A guided tour allows a spectacular immersion in the world of wines of the region through an interactive scenographic journey entirely dedicated to the terroirs, wines and tasting. A thematic and multimedia games area also makes it possible to learn while having fun.

Le Village de Ruoms
Le Village de Ruoms - Tunnel

As you go out of Ruoms, once you have crossed the Ardèche river, in the direction of the village of Largentière, the touristic route ‘Les Défilés de Ruoms’ begins. Hollowed out in the rock during the 19th century, this route offers a spectacular vista across the limestone cliffs gouged out by the Ligne, a tributary of the Ardèche.


Located around 20 km from La Plage Fleurie campsite, the village of Vogüé is one of the most beautiful villages in France. Overlooking the Ardèche river, its medieval château (castle), and its stone houses, attract a multitude of visitors each tourist season.

A château dating from the 12th century

Surrounded by an impressive cliff of limestone, this village is made up of a dozen alleys around which are clustered wonderful buildings all older than each other.

Voguë - Le Village et son château
Voguë © ADT07- A.Renaud-Goud

The Château de Vogüé dates from the 12th century, but was significantly altered in the 15th and 16th centurie. It consists of a large guardhouse and four corner towers. Open to the public, it hosts many temporary exhibitions throughout the year.

Voguë © ADT07- A.Renaud-Goud

By the river which flows gently below the village, a beach enables holidaymakers to swim in the Ardèche river. You can also do canoeing or kayaking.

It must be emphasised that every Monday morning Vogüé has a popular market, which never fails to attract the curious and those fond of food, by the quality of products sold there.

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